Some freshmen meet each other for the first time during the PTO-sponsored movie night

Courtesy of CVHS PTO

Freshmen gathered, some, to meet each other for the first time during movie night.

On March 12, many CVHS freshmen met and got to know each other for the first time during the PTO sponsored Movie Night.

The event took place on the CVHS garage roof . Students were able to communicate and interact with other, and enjoy a relaxing evening.

Students have not had so many opportunities to come together in person and socialize since COVID has limited their options. But thanks to an idea and coordination by the CVHS PTO, students were given the opportunity to attend an outdoor movie night event, while still following the protocols for COVID.

Movie Night was divided into three  days for the three  separate grades. Men in Black was played for freshmen, Spider Man for sophomores, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for the juniors. During movie night students would had  the option to watch the movie while engaging in other activities, like  UNO. They came ready with blankets, chairs, and snacks. 

“I made a few new friends that were coming in- person who were virtual before. My favorite thing was probably getting to like, actually get to sit down and talk to the other students and get to actually know them,” said freshman Larhin Nelson.

While many were excited about socializing with their peers, this made it hard for others to watch the movie. 

“I couldn’t hear it very well, but I think that was just everybody being loud,” Sophia Vega said. 

It might be strange to see icebreaker games in the second semester of school, but for students, it helped them to get to know one another.

“The ice breaker games we played made it super fun to meet other kids in my class for the first time,” Nelson said.  

For students, the movie was not the focus of the evening. 

“It was such a great vibe and me, and my friends had a great time together, but it felt like most people came to socialize and eat pizza, so no one was really paying attention to the movie lol. Which in my opinion means that the goal of the night was achieved” Nelson said.