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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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An image of what the TikTok rizz party is

Bring the Rizz Party to Your Home: Seven steps for throwing a TikTok rizz party

By Erwin Morales and Karla Berrueto May 7, 2024

Lately, clips of a teenage party have gone viral on TikTok to the point of becoming an internet meme. The “TikTok rizz party” has been the inspiration for multiple videos and has gotten so much attention...

Artistic reprersentation of giant squirrel/Carnegie student running in front of Carnegie carrying College Board acorn

AP Carnegie: Turn your flunks into slam dunks

By Bela Jotwani, Staff Writer May 6, 2024

As a graduating senior, I’ve seen it all. The easiest-hard classes, the ones I thought I’d fail, the ones I did fail and the best classes to take a nap in.  However, as we learned in Calculus,...

The seven Formula 1 teams and their drivers from left to right by rows: Apthi Muralidhar, Olivia Mccrary, Manizeh Rahman, Tobias Hawes, Nathan Wendt, Gabriel Putnam, Nicole Rodil Suarez, Chris Chinchilla, Ritika Nandi, Valerie Robledo, Javien Sias, Trinity Hewitt, Mia Rodriguez, and Abigail Alvarez.

Formula 1: Drive to survive at CVHS

By Manizeh Rahman and Nicole Rodil Suarez May 6, 2024

This year’s F1 season has been a disaster with power plays and scandals like never before. Now that we're approaching the end of the season's first quarter, let’s take a look at how it has gone so...

A poster for revolutionary cruise line Barnibal Buise

CVHS students rave about extravagant new cruise line: Barnibal Buise

By Lorena Chavez, Staff Writer April 1, 2024

This past spring break, many students from Carnegie Vanguard High School coincidentally found themselves all on the same luxury cruise. A reported number of 20 students occupied this cruise ship for 5...

CVHS senior Anilah Bell with some of her beloved pupils (Joseph Mutagaya/Canva)

CVHS Super senior serves community by offering free driving lessons

By Joseph Mutagaya and My-Tran Vo April 1, 2024

Carnegie Vanguard High School senior Anilah Bell is making a huge impact on the kids, the curbs, and the cops of Downtown Houston with her free driving lessons. For a limited time, Bell, (who trained...

This could be you! (Made in Canva)

Top ten ways to not end up on Carnegie Schlumped

By Kaylee Yang, Staff Writer April 1, 2024

Are you tired of being tired? Tired of your teacher waking you up? Well, do I have some solutions for you! Here are the top ten ways to conceal your slumber during those long and boring school hours. ...

A poster depicting all the things one should take to college

10 things to survive college

By Nicole Rodil Suarez and Manizeh Rahman April 1, 2024

Congratulations! You’ve made it through your senior year! Can you believe we’re almost to the end of the year?! You’re about to start a very important chapter of your life and as your college counselors,...

Phone notification indicating a ntaional emergency amidst TikTok ban.

Photo courtesy of TikTok, edited using CANVA

BREAKING NEWS: Lip-syncers left jobless amidst national TikTok ban

By Naadiya Walji, Staff Writer April 1, 2024

It was a normal day for Darli Chamelio. She woke up, got ready, propped her phone up, and started to dance in front of the camera. Moments later, her phone started buzzing uncontrollably. Chamelio grabbed...

A recreation of the plane crash, featuring three of the missing students. Photo taken by Mike Bobaguard via Iphone 15 front camera. | Image Credits: NPS Photo, Image Edits: Nadia Talanker

37 CVHS students missing in Bermuda

By Nadia Talanker, Entertainment Editor April 1, 2024

On March 18, the first day back from Spring Break, a total of 37 Carnegie Vanguard High School students were reported absent. Unbeknownst to their advocacy teachers, this was because all 37 students were...

Carnegie's biggest frat on campus, Mu Alpha Theta, fosters smiles and smarts

Mu Alpha Theta: Carnegie’s biggest frat

By Andrew Lee and John Nguyen April 1, 2024

“Greek Life” is a phrase that almost every student in America has heard of, with fraternities and sororities like Sigma Chi, Alpha Phi Theta, and Delta Gamma existing at every college and university....

Carnegie's Pride and Glory - Bartholomew Archibald Worthington III

A Day in the Life of Carnegie Vanguard’s Top Athlete

By Siddharth Dasari and Esteban Gallardo April 1, 2024

Bartholomew Archibald Worthington III. The name of Carnegie Vanguard’s top athlete rang throughout the school. A seasoned athlete, Bartholomew allowed Carnegie to consistently be a nationally-recognized...

CVHS students hosting a baby shower for their food babies.

Texas Supreme Court rules that food babies are now real children

By Katheryn Consuegra and Natalia Nguyen April 1, 2024

The Texas Supreme Court issued a ruling on March 20 declaring that embryos created through noticeable over-mastication (NOM) should be considered children. As the designation applies to those only 13 years...

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