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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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Andrew playing the violin as a 4th grader

Personal Column: Exceeding expectasians

By Andrew Lee, Sports Editor February 5, 2024

My paper was drenched. I stared at the numbers, rows of multiplication stacked on top of each other. The symbols, and my vision, began to blur. “Eric already knew how to do this when he was your...

A visual representation symbolizing how the change of moving houses and renting out my childhood home felt.

Personal Column: Accepting the prelude

By Sasha Cabral, Editor-in-Chief December 3, 2023

Everything was gone. Empty. They had ransacked my house by the time I got back from my college trip to New York and Connecticut, but I expected this to happen. My tía and tío had scheduled the movers...

Fireworks with friends on New Year's Eve
Source: qmelie Via Pinterest

Personal Column: New year, same me

By Audrey Piczak, Opinions Editor January 27, 2023

I’m not sure how the calendar was made. I remember learning about the Egyptians in my sixth-grade world history class. In 1500 B.C., they measured time with sundials. Their years were not marked by gridded...

Throughout this story, I learn the importance of being alone.

Personal Column: Alone isn’t lonely

By Audrey Piczak, Opinions Editor December 13, 2022

Just go away! I stifle my sniffling as I hear two soft knocks on my bedroom door. I knew those knocks, they belonged to my dad, who had just ruthlessly relegated me to time out in my room for fighting...

A "Yo no sabo kid," derived from the incorrect conjugation of saber, is a negative slang term referring to a Latino who does not speak Spanish.

Personal Column: Proving Latinidad

By Sasha Cabral, Editor-in-Chief December 13, 2022

It was Saturday morning. It was every summer Saturday morning. It's always muggy and scorching hot, but just not as hot as it will be later on in the day. Our shirts stick to our bodies from the sheer...

A darkened cross reflects my detachment from my Catholic faith.

Personal Column: The passionless passion play

By Karla Berrueto, Staff Writer December 13, 2022

I swung my sword, left and right, up and down, over Jesus while he lay unconscious on the floor.  A group of tiny, adorned followers, who were no taller than a bench, surrounded him.  The crowd...

Welcome to Dear Upstream, Carnegie's first advice column.

Dear Upstream- CVHS’s first advice column

By Jahrel Noble, Noah Mohamed, and Nicki Anahita April 20, 2022

Welcome to CVHS's advice column.  Meet your wise advice-givers: Tom- Noah Mohamed (Satire) Jerry- Nicki Anahita (Satire) Noble Knight- Jahrel Noble (Real) Gossip Girl, Grade 12 Dear...

This story discusses my relationship with men, a relationship that is twisted and confusing to even me.

Personal Column: Real Men

By Danielle Yampuler, Co-Editor in Chief December 9, 2021

I’m in a car. A car. Any car. Sometimes it feels like it’s every car- my own personal liminal space, never quite the same but always identical in feel. Sometimes it’s a big white minivan- those guys...

Distorted photo of a women. In one side they show to the word that they are fine but in reality they a breaking inside.

Personal Column: Philophobia – an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of falling in love

December 8, 2021

At the age of 9, I received my very first award. A shiny gold medal. I was so proud. But yet, I still craved validation from my parents. My naïve young self went home flashing my shiny gold medal and...

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