The PRISM club invites students-show your support for LGBTQ rights

Ally Week is from 9/23 to 9/27

This week September 23 to September 27, students will be able to join and show their support for LGBTQ rights during Ally Week. 

The campus PRISM club, formed for the inclusiveness and understanding of all groups of people from different sexual and gender orientations, is coordinating the action. 

The PRISM club will distribute items, such as pins and small flags for students to wear to show support. 

During Ally Week students will be able to show themselves as allies to the LGBT community. LGBT members will also be able to proudly show all their orientacion. 

During this week, all students will be allowed to freely present themselves in their favor. 

On October 11th, the club will coordinate the campus’ National Coming Out Day. This day will be dedicated to solely for people that wish to make their identities known.