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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

Upstream News

The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

Upstream News

Me and my little brother. He's been my best friend since he was born, 8 years and counting.

Personal Column: The strength of your inner child

By Adelynn Rubio, Feature Editor February 1, 2024

I sat on the couch, listening to my little brother read one of his bedtime stories about the wonders of space. His hands drifted across the page, flipping all the pop-up cards that held information on...

Loyal subjects of the Dear Upstream series: hear ye, for thee patrons hath blessed thou with a new edition.

Dear Upstream 3: Hark! Replies to thy quandaries

By Nadia Talanker, Entertainment Editor December 4, 2023

Good morrow, ladies and gentlesires. Welcome back to another edition of Dear Upstream - CVHS’ one and only advice column. We declare the following questions to be answered to the best of our ability,...

Welcome to Dear Upstream, Carnegie's first advice column.

Dear Upstream- CVHS’s first advice column

By Jahrel Noble, Noah Mohamed, and Nicki Anahita April 20, 2022

Welcome to CVHS's advice column.  Meet your wise advice-givers: Tom- Noah Mohamed (Satire) Jerry- Nicki Anahita (Satire) Noble Knight- Jahrel Noble (Real) Gossip Girl, Grade 12 Dear...

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