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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

Upstream News

The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

Upstream News

The virus that "doesn't discriminate" has disproportionately affected black communities.

Race and Coronavirus in America

By Ashton Brown, Staff Writer May 13, 2020

COVID-19 and it’s rising death toll have become matters of concern for every person on Earth, after achieving pandemic status. Unfortunately, in America, the concern is greater for some groups of people...

Atatiana Jefferson Shooting- A Grim Reminder That Racial Profiling of Black Teens Could Turn Violent

Atatiana Jefferson Shooting- A Grim Reminder That Racial Profiling of Black Teens Could Turn Violent

By Ema Wilson, Staff Writer November 6, 2019

Sirens blare in the background, blue and red flashes blur freshman Kiki's vision. She can hear the walkie talkie sound coming from the police car. Kiki could only imagine why such a commotion would stir...

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