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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

Upstream News

The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

Upstream News

Posing with my dad at a recent half marathon that I completed. Running helped me reduce my anxiety

Personal Column: Overcoming Mental Adversity

By Siddharth Dasari, News Editor March 24, 2025

Being a single kid in a family of working parents, the COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on me psychologically. Online studies and losing personal contact with my friends led to anxiety and low self-esteem,...

Stressed. Worried. Unprepared. The dread of exam season begins.

Surviving Exam Season: Five tips to manage stress this year

By Anjali Martinez, Editor-in-chief April 22, 2024

As AP’s, finals and major projects roll around the corner, around 45 percent of students in an Upstream survey of 22 people reported they feel ‘stressed.’ The pressures of the exam season...

Me and my little brother. He's been my best friend since he was born, 8 years and counting.

Personal Column: The strength of your inner child

By Adelynn Rubio, Feature Editor February 1, 2024

I sat on the couch, listening to my little brother read one of his bedtime stories about the wonders of space. His hands drifted across the page, flipping all the pop-up cards that held information on...

Student becomes too stressed with homework on the first week back from spring break.

Too much work? Stressed? Just cope.

By Judith Carrizales and Sumedha Mohanty April 1, 2023

On the first week upon returning from spring break, CVHS students have said that their teachers have assigned enough work to fill up a 30 feet deep landfill. As if the countless piles of assignments weren't...

SAT near? Never fear, Broseph Testpassers is here!

SAT near? Never fear, Broseph Testpassers is here!

By Brooke Bushong and Joseph Mutagaya April 1, 2023

Losing hair, sleep and sanity over the good ol’ Standard Aptitude Test? You may (or may not) be entitled to advice from Broseph (pronounced Bro-sef) Testpassers Incorporated. Anyways, like most students...

Joseph Mutagaya first photo, for a passport (Republic of Uganda)

Personal Column: Lugambo and the art of shutting up

By Joseph Mutagaya, Arts and Entertaiment Editor February 20, 2023

I’ve always had a big mouth. Scrawled tactically under glowing recommendations and smiley face stickers would be a small, tacit note: “Joseph is VERY… social.” Translation: teach your kid to shut...

Fireworks with friends on New Year's Eve
Source: qmelie Via Pinterest

Personal Column: New year, same me

By Audrey Piczak, Opinions Editor January 27, 2023

I’m not sure how the calendar was made. I remember learning about the Egyptians in my sixth-grade world history class. In 1500 B.C., they measured time with sundials. Their years were not marked by gridded...

Throughout this story, I learn the importance of being alone.

Personal Column: Alone isn’t lonely

By Audrey Piczak, Opinions Editor December 13, 2022

Just go away! I stifle my sniffling as I hear two soft knocks on my bedroom door. I knew those knocks, they belonged to my dad, who had just ruthlessly relegated me to time out in my room for fighting...

Artistic depictions of my personal struggles with understanding and empathizing with emotions.

Personal Column: The right way to empathy

By Rinn Wilson, Staff Writer December 13, 2022

There’s a kid crying, screaming really, on the ground and everything goes still. “It hurts! It’s broken, I’m going to die!” He wails, his friends rush over and start to ask what’s wrong,...

An assortment of tarot cards and crystals on a desk with various other spiritual accessories.

Op-Ed: Manifesting optimism through spirituality

By Cindy Cui, Opinion-Editorial Editor December 13, 2022

I am nearly certain that every passing grade I have ever gotten in AP Physics is caused by my cherished piece of Citrine I keep in my pocket every test day. But of course, this probably isn’t true and...

A psychologist listening to a tired brain lying on the couch.

Personal Column: Breathe

By Naadiya Walji, Staff Writer December 13, 2022

I had my first therapy session at the beginning of 8th grade. I vividly remember walking into a house-like office, with my parents trailing behind. I sat down on a plump sofa, bouncing my legs and waiting...

Post-Calculus teacher Stephanie Chen poses with her Astros teacher award which she was nominated for by her students.

Stephanie Chen– plexar puzzler, color guard coordinator, cross-stitching sage and math master

By Sumedha Mohanty and Chiamaka Uwalaka October 20, 2022

There she was, a college student, sitting in her car after a night of drinking with some friends. One of them finds a calculus textbook in her car. Next thing you know, Stephanie Chen and her friend are...

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