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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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The Student News Site of Carnegie Vanguard High School

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A "Yo no sabo kid," derived from the incorrect conjugation of saber, is a negative slang term referring to a Latino who does not speak Spanish.

Personal Column: Proving Latinidad

By Sasha Cabral, Editor-in-Chief December 13, 2022

It was Saturday morning. It was every summer Saturday morning. It's always muggy and scorching hot, but just not as hot as it will be later on in the day. Our shirts stick to our bodies from the sheer...

Landon Stuart flashes a bright smile and a thumbs up for the camera.

More than a beanie, the musings of junior Landon Stuart

By Brooke Bushong and Joseph Mutagaya October 20, 2022

Junior Landon Stuart strutted through the automatic doors of the Super Target and marveled at the aisles upon aisles of the supermarket before he came upon something so magical that he couldn’t help...

I-Fest resumes after two years with food, fun, and fire.

Rating iFest-ivities: a FIRE review of iFest

By Caitlin Liman and Nina Nguyen May 27, 2022

Every year, there is one occasion at CVHS that all students anticipate. iFest. Otherwise known as the International Festival, this student-run event involves an agglomeration of exciting activities, from...

The Black Film Canon is the list of the most influential movies in Black culture

My List of the Top 5 Most Influential Movies to Watch During Black History Month

By Ashton Brown, Staff Writer February 27, 2020

As you may know, this month, February, is America’s Black History Month, where we honor the struggles and accomplishments of Black people in America and in the world. This month stands to appreciate...

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